Kamis, 08 Januari 2015


Natural Disaster Mitigation

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb.
Good morning every body

How are you all?
I hope you are fine and nothing less

Ladies and gentlemen
Thanks for the chance given to me
In this occasion, I would like to present my speech about “natural disaster mitigation”

Ladies and gentlemen
Before I tell you the natural disaster mitigation let me explain you little bit about the word of disaster. What it meant by the word of disaster, disaster is a serious sudden misfortune, terrible accident in our enviroment. This terrrible accident can be as a mount eruption or tsunami in a different area.

Ladies and gentlemen

What will happen if Natural disaster appears in our environment?
Our live will be demage in short time
What should we do to mitigate this natural disaster?

In this case Ladies and gentlemen let save and keep our forest from illegal logging
And why don’t we plan some new trees to enable our forest to keep much water to avoid land erosion.
What is the best way to reduce victims numbers as a cause of the natural disaster?

Ladies and gentlemen
Let move from the dangerous location because we cannot predict when this disaster appear. Please give complete information about the danger of natural disaster to our life.

Ladies and gentlemen
In my last speech I would like to suggest you to anticipate the danger of natural disaster by finding the esaiest way to be contribuuted to reduce victim number, meanwhile I would like to express my great thanks to your participation and attention to my speech.

Good morning and see you next time
Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb.


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